I'm afraid I must object to your referring to Richard as "Retard." I know several people who are genuinely mentally handicapped, and they are all kind, well-mannered people despite their disabilities. Comparing them to Richard does them a disservice.
You pieces of PC shit are unbelievable. You actually think you have the right to tell people what they can or cannot say. "but it's a good thing to not say - Retard", you and your whole organization miss the point. Same as the "abolish the n-word" crowd. No kidding it's not polite. Using the word Retard is appropriate here as its MEANT to be insulting.
Mature people understand and can regulate their own speech. No one here wishes to go around personally insulting mentally handicapped people or make them feel bad about themselves.
The out and out right gall for you people to believe you are actually going to CONTROL other people's speech? Just what measures are you going to take? I'm sure many people would be willing to blast your head off with a nice round of ammuntion before you ever think of trying to control their speech I don't care how justified you people think you are. You people are insane.
Wow, insane? What sort of bastard responds to a polite request by suggesting someone would want to blow my head off or calling me a piece of shit?
I think it's you missing the point. You ARE insulting handicapped people by using the word retard when you mean to say someone is embarrassing or pathetic.
To the writer of the blog: I don't think you intended to insult disabled people, but I do think you could use other words to say what you mean. I know your blog is called Wasp 101 Sucks but I took it to be more of a funny dig at how pretentious Richard can sometimes be - I didn't expect my request would get such a venomous reply. Wow.
To anon 7:49pm: I wrote the 5pm post because I'm the mum of a little boy who is retarded. I just wanted the writer to use a different word, that's all. I included the link to explain why.
Ignoring the point now. Ms Anon 6:35 pm. This is the psychology of how anti - freedom movements start . It's a good premise. It's worth enforcing. Sure you're all just a "peaceful " little harmless protest group aren't you?
NO. YOU- actually dream about the day you can make a LAW out of this , look forward to arresting people eventually for their very speech. Justified because your heart says so. How you feel is more important than thinking through your problems.
Human Nature. You want to stop the wave of immaturity in human nature that ranges from impolite to downright evil? THEN LET'S TAKE AWAY EVERYONE'S RIGHT TO SPEECH,with only gov't appointed regulated speech allowed anywhere, anytime.
So you have the nerve to think you are the only offended party by human nature HUH? Fine, no more "Retard" people will find another word. How 'bout MORONS? Going to start another movement then to end the "M" word? You will fail, because then ANOTHER WORD you don't like will replace it.
And if you can outlaw the word "retard" well just open the doors now , FOR MILLIONS of others with THEIR ISSUES, and their "offended" issues regarding freedom of speech. WHY DENY THEM? ............
It is up to you to do your best and instill in your child with love ,caring , and nurturing a sense of self worth. Don't you dare say that's not possible because your child is mentally handicapped. Oh yes it is. It just takes MORE PERSONAL TIME out of a parent's schedule to take care of such a child. MORE attention needed, more supervision, more guidance. It would be wonderful to push a magic button somewhere that could instantly change EVERYONE into the finest of ladies and gentlemen with an absolute perfect standard of behavior....
Not going to happen. YOU are the one who is to protect ,nurture, teach and raise your child not to be victimized by life here on planet earth. Do your best. Yes your organization is still insane.
From Blogger's Content Policy: VIOLENT CONTENT: Users may not publish direct threats of violence against any person or group of people.
From Anon 7:49pm: I'm sure many people would be willing to blast your head off with a nice round of ammuntion before you ever think of trying to control their speech
This is a direct threat of violence, made by a weak coward hiding behind the phrase "many people" and the anonymity of the web.
I am not Pundit. There was no direct threat of violence. I was merely pointing out in the name of YOUR self righteous standards I'd be willing to bet you would enforce your stance eventually attacking the rights of free speech by making certain speech against the law. Going as far as trying to have people physically taken off to jail thereby leaving them having to defend themselves.
In other words the comments were directed toward you manifesting your politically correct speech movement into policing speech forcibly upon a free people who will not stand there and take it. "Blast your head off" meaning it as a collective noun towards your politically correct agenda.
At no time do you deny , at NO TIME do you say you are not interested in forcing your political crap controlled speech on others. You did not deny it.
You know what I stated is how you really feel. SO,you try the ol' let's just laugh it off routine. "Crazy Bile" you call it. NO.
You are the crazy bile and you know it. You are obsessed BECAUSE you truly believe your insane politicaly correct speech movement is good. It's for the betterment of all of us. It's justified to force people to abolish certain "words" you can't stand. How can anyone with their heart in the place possibly be against you ?
You - beTter seek help. Because you are going to crack up if you really believe you will ever see the day when you are going to control people's speech, I DON'T CARE HOW MUCH SUPPORT YOU GAIN.
And of course the lovely UK, where the criminal has more rights then the victim. Ask an invading burglar to leave your house should he come to rob you. In fact the burglars have successfully sued homeowners who dared defend their home against the theives.
YEAH , your heads on straight. Next time address the points made. Stop spinning the post response to how YOU WANT IT TO BE INTERPRETED.
Ah, I'd bet money that the CRAZY who goes round frothing at the mouth, spouting "crazy bile" and writing every other sentence in CAPITALS is almost definitely pundit. That level of insane hatred and bitterness has pundit's style all over it.
And, no, you ignorant fool, "Blast your head off" isn't a noun, collective or otherwise. Or is your inability to write English properly an example of "free speech" as you understand it?
Please increase whatever medication you are on, the current dose isn't working.
This is hugely entertaining by the way. Once the bunch of loons who used to gather over at Richard's place got themselves barred I was afraid that their highly entertaining antics would be lost to the world, but no need to worry, here you all are!
AND ONCE AGAIN - you ignore addressing the points made about the insanity of political correctness. Hatred and bitterness?......Being in favor of free speech is hatred and bitterness? Really?
AND ONCE AGAIN- you spin my post and define it the way you want to.
No - you better increase your medication for you still ignore the points that you know damn well condemn everything you stand for.
You got a point to make big mouth than make it. MAKE YOUR DAMN POINT.
The trouble is I've already made your point for you in that you are in favor of enforcing your politically correct crap on others , you still don't deny it. YOU STILL DON'T DENY IT.
No "blast your head off " isn't LITERALLY a collective noun. No kidding jackass . You know exactly what I meant and notice how you seek to discredit what I state by attacking and making an issue out of everything else except simply admiting you are a leftist control freak who believes in their cause, so deeply , anything to the contrary ,you think is evil, hateful, bitter....
NOW - you ignorant leftist control freak simply admit that is indeed what you are be proud of it and shut up.
No it's not entertaining and you know it.
You are not going to deflate or discredit my entirely accurate assessment of who you are by continually applying every spin you can think of . I will glady continue to humiliate the living hell out of you, and call you out each and every time you insist on dancing around the issue.
Stop talking like you are the sane one. YOU'RE NOT. Take your poiltically correct crap and shove it so far you stay constipated for life. You certainly need an exlax for your brain, which is constipated BEYOND BELIEF.
You are pundit. That is now 99% certain. Is that CERTAIN enough for you? You can't conceal it any longer. Even from yourself. I assume that there is some kind of disturbed personality defect in evidence here. You may not even realise that you are pundit? So sad.
This whole blog is an exercise in hatred. You should be ashamed. Really, the doctors know best. Stop ignoring their advice. Or at least get a job. Those welfare cheques can't amount to much.
The only one ranting (RANTING) about free speech and leftists is you. One person asked you not to use the word "retard". You went into paroxysms of hatred accusing them of everything under the sun. You talk about spin, but fantasise about the views of others on the most fragile of evidence. You don't learn, but continue to spew out venom and paranoia.
Incidentally, sorry to disappoint you, but I wouldn't dream of censoring anything you say, you're far too entertaining for that. Use any words you like, they all condemn you as the raving nut you are.
You don't have enough self-awareness to realise it, and I fully expect another torrent of abuse: but you embarrass yourself, no-one else.
At least two people actually expressed discomfort over the use of the word retard.
Also, I don't think I really have any point to make other than that I would appreciate it if the author would choose not to use the word retard when he means pathetic or horrible. I think I actually have already made my point.
I also don't think I have anything to "deny" (or rather, DENY). I realise absolutely that I can't control anyone else's speech. But I am allowed to ask them to consider their choices. A "no, I'm not changing it" would have been a sufficient reply.
I know someone else posted in addition to your original post. Not yelling, for that would be severe exclamation points. Capitalizing to get in your face, strong enough to get - your - attention.
WELL FINALLY. Now you people directly address the situation.
Hmmm...."an exercise in hatred"....."paroxysms of hatred" "paranoia and venom".............
Sigh......yes you are leftists. The stages I describe come after such movements gain momentum. You recruit people. You continue your hype. You see how many stories of "retard" speech you can find.
You call on public schools to suspend or even ban students if caught using the dreaded " R' word, this is how it begins.
Same at the job place and / or office. Completely justified to suspend or fire someone if they use the "R' word on the job..........
Your "take the pledge" group start protests if you don't get your way.
Coincidentally enough maybe a mentally handicapped person gets physically attacked, victim of a heinous crime.......well that does it.....now your hearts ache ever so more ....now all of a sudden making it against the law to say the "R'" word ....doesn't seem so bad......
Special laws made if a crime is racist based or anti homosexual.....A crime is a crime is a crime. Viloating someone elses rights through crime is not a bigger more heinous crime because you are part of some kind of minority as a victim. Prime example of your nonsensical ways of thinking.
If you are truly not their yet , you are on your way. Enough propaganda, enough tugs on your heart strings, yes eventually you will find yourselves supporting laws banning speech to further your cause.
YEAH.....how about that? OH what I described has never happened regarding speech already???
Yes it has......glad to rub it in your faces. I know you know I'm not Pundit, nice amatuerish try there at mockery.
Come comrades, we have been found out and we must desist. We must try different tactics. Fortunately the loon is now in a frenzy and we have the chance for our evil black homosexual female pro-PC anti-free speech pro-gun control Marxist-Leninist doctors to go to work.
First, we track down the lunatic's details through their blog, Wasp101sucks.
Then we creep into their home.
Then, their attention distracted while they are in front of their bargain basement PC typing out abusive messages to Richard, flecks of spittle hitting the screen at every strike of the keyboard, we take our opportunity to insert electrodes into their brain (different ones to the electrodes that were already installed by the satanic space aliens who monitor their every move).
Then we switch on the power.
Before too long the world's last free born right thinking freedom loving free speaker becomes a gay black female atheistic communist just as our evil plans dictate.
And what is most cruel, they will never be able to write in CAPITALS ever again.
Poor old Richard, for all his faults I'm rather sorry for him if he has to trawl through wads of this kind of drivel every day. All he wanted to do was to post some pictures of himself in clothes he was proud of. Some people seem to have mistaken him for the anti-christ.
HIP HIP HOORAY!! SMART ASS SARCASM TO THE RESCUE!!! HA HA , he he, ho ho.....hmmmm. No jackass you're not all mad scientists on a huge conspiracy together, what you are is self righteous mindless sheep who do support the nonsense you stated as sarcasm.
And....you do the worst thing possible to destroy all your effort. The worst thing...Poor old Richard???? "All he wanted to do was to post pictures of himself in clothes he was proud of"
NO.All he wanted to do was show off , brag about himself , draw attention to himself , pass himself off as something he is not, was not, and will never be.
But of course through your worthless bleeding non judgemental pc heart , you only see.... the good in Richard......awwwwwww how sweet....
Forget discussing anything else. The fact that you would "stick up for" and support Richard is all that needs to be presented on your behalf as far as wondering how you feel about any other issue in life.
The introduction at the top should say at the end , ..."and pompous Richard from WASP 101 BLOG AND HIS SUPPORTERS CAN BE."
Interesting that "for all his faults" is seen as sticking up for someone. Perhaps in your vindictive world it is? I'd have thought it was fairly neutral. And even if, as you claim, he was to "show off , brag about himself, draw attention to himself, pass himself off as something he is not, was not, and will never be" - does that really matter? If he wants attention then ignore him, it's the worst punishment.
As for non-judgemental, wrong again. I judge that you're mental. Don't think that there is much doubt about that.
And is that last line the best you can do? Well, better lower case than lower class. And you are, in your anger and hatred, as low and as lacking in class as it gets.
Will have to say goodbye now, as I'm starting to get bored baiting the troll. I'll leave the inevitable last word to you. Go for it, you maniac...
DAMN! THAT MADE MY EYES POP OUT! OH, was that in caps, LOL!
Though I hate it, I would have to agree that the PC crap has gone over board a bit. I once called a woman in my old office "Baby Girl" and had to go through a sensitivity program, and loss of a raise over the whole thing.
I think that adults should be just that, adults. If someone is ignorant enough to still use the "N" word, well that just shows you how ignorant they are. I personally don't like it when anyone uses it, black or white. However, I don't think that its really my place to condem someone for using it. On the other side of that coin however, if you were to call me the "N" word, I guess I will be showing you how ignorant I can be as well.
Something I beleive that we have all gotten away from is that old adage; "sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me." If more people can get back to that, I think that we would all be better off.
By the way, whomever it is that keeps stating that this is Pundit, I think you need to read more of this blog, as this is in no way Pundit. As a matter of fact if you read this blog enough, you will see that this person is the most vocal person here.
Pundit ,Pundit, O Pundit, Wherefore art thou? The idiot is at it again with his nonsense ,just begging. begging for some new matierial from you. Please make a new post once in a while at least, if you can. The moron is now concerned with the issue of "signet rings"......
Well, believe it or not whoever may be stopping by, business may be picking up again.
"Richard's" latest commenters are asking, begging, him to discontinue moderation of comments and let things resume as they once were for the entertainment value!!
Please Richard feed yourself to the sharks again. Even your supporters want to see it. Somewhat akin to a bad comedian to come out on stage again because his hecklers make the show. Thus has become the legacy of blogspot, "WASP101".
Hello Ask Andy Folks! Couldn't help noticing "Wasp 101" getting a "reboot" among your posters at this time. I am not the author of this site but I do thank the gentleman at your forum who agreed with the anti pc comments.
The latest at "Richards Place".....his five favorite labels....uh - huh.
J.PRESS? No , Richard that is not your favorite label. What IS your favorite label?........
WHY RICHARD.....it's so simple. Right in front of your face.
WASP- is your favorite label. But no matter how much you may try to wear it, it will never coordinate with you.
Well,Mr Street....or should I say ,another leftist scumbag. This blog was started by someone named "Pundit",one of Richard's more creative critics from early '09. Female I believe.Don't know for sure. I have nothing to do with "Pundit" or Chensvold. But what a pleasure...to finally get to talk to you. LET'S GET SOMETHING STRAIGHT MISTER.
Class systems within a society go completely against your leftist philosphy to begin with.WHO THE HELL ARE -YOU- to comment on"IVY"Style??
Oh. Of course if you're completely backwards liberalism is the upperclass standard......there is no UPPER class in the doc of equality that you and your ilk rest upon. Why don't you comment on gov't issue clothing since you have a gov't issued mind? You're plain scum Mr Street.Tis no wonder you would prefer "Richie" over Chensvold. To be fair perhaps there ARE things about Chensvold I could come to discover that would be quite unfavorable. But chances are you hate him for no other reason than a "CONSERVATIVE" approach,feel,look,overall style that he chooses to present himself.
Keep your head shoved up Lucifer's ass where it belongs Street along with all your leftist Filmnoir Buff Buddies.
UPDATE:Oh "Richard"? Raccoon Coats were a staple of the Ivy League Look and part of its history.MO-RON. Perfectly legitmate to discuss. Congratulations on the endorsement of Russell Street further sinking your decrepit ship. That man stands for everything you despise politically Dickie Bird. But then again you're a weak kneed pathetic moderate,go to the democrats Richard.You belong with them.
.......listen you stupid son of a bitch. I am not Chensvold. I DO recognize Lucifer's big stinkin mouth through yours Mr Street. Got a problem? Cause Jesus will shut your mouth real fast mister.Keep it up.Just keep it up. Got it Jackass? One does not have to be Christian Chensvold to have issues with you. And of course you don't even deny you are a stinkin hypocritical leftist.
"has it really come to this"..... YOU are the inept loser Mr Street. Chensvold is a winner in life. You and Richard are the losers. Simple enough? Who cares how much, or how many support you and Dickie.
Shame is the wardrobe of your pathetic soul, not anyone else's.
"the things you say"....and the things you DON'T say StreetScum. How about Russell Gutter instead? Fits your soul so much more appropriately.
What a BIG mouth you have at your forum StreetScum. Now confronted with someone who can wipe the floor with you OH, are we short of speech.
I-AM-NOT-Chensvold. You know it too.Just being a pain.
Having established you don't have what it takes to confront me what next?
I suspect your mouth is all washed up now. Keep lying to yourself cause its makes you feel more comfortable to believe I'm Chensvold. I'm not mister I'm a lot worse,further to the right then he could ever be. Yeah....tongue tied aren't we...didn't think someone could come along and shut your ego up but good eh, StreetScum.
"charm and sense of fun"...... Richard is an ego based loser who wishes he belonged to a certain class. Whoever started this blog,whomever"Pundit"is, good for them.I'll give you the flatout straight answer far as I'm concerned as to this constant WHY,why,why.... To all of you wondering.......ITS PLAIN DAMN FUN.
It's fun to take this idiot of WASP101 who wants to strut around and brag about himself wishing he was "Ric Flair" in real life and take his stupid ego and rub rub,RUB his damn face in it.In reality. Richard is a wonderful collective noun for all the blogging idiots.
WHO CARES- what others think or don't think of your wardrobe.A winner doesn't care or NEED other people's support for any fulfillment of ego.
Mr Chensvold is a professional editor with a career and a site with many corporate advertisements whom obviously recognize him as such, HE-WINS.
To further prove to you I'm not Chensvold, In no way shape or form would I support any negro, could care less about his recent article of the little 16yr old shit who be likin de ivy style...
The psyche of godless people results in making a god out of your own ego AND making humanity the be all to end all. YOU TYPES HATE-HATE- HATE- those who do not give humanity faith, who do not feel obligated to make all feel equal,poor Richard he's a fellow human so what if he's arrogant and running at the mouth, that's all of us,who are you to judge.... blah,blah,blah,blah,blah,
If it's not Lucifer's BIG nonstop mouth that angels were all created equal and didn't deserve to get kicked out of heaven,we have millions and billions of humans who can't stand the eternal inequality of those who will be in heaven and those who are going to hell.
INEQUALITY IS-THE DOCTRINE OF THE WINNERS. Streetscum. You are completely ANTI-the christian heritage that Christ blessed the American WASP with anyway.
You are the mindless underclass maggot whose worm of a soul knows nothing of the class of the King of Kings and Lord Of Lords Jesus Christ.
And you SHALL never know it.
Yes the sun will rise and the sun will set. Chensvold will go on to a prosperous career while Richard will crack up as his "dream" of ever becoming a WASP slowly dies and falls apart. While you shall remain in the gutter Streetscum.Be sure to collect faded gray as the predominant color of your wardrobe to match the color of the pavement of skidrow.
Christian M. Chensvold you are soooo busted! Why not just take it on your ample chin? You're making yourself look like a silly billy again - Just like you did in Brooks at the Christmas bash. Richard is Richard, but who and what are you? Do you even know? All you do is to endlessly pose as various things to try to hustle a buck. First a Dandy, now an Ivy fan, what next? Richard is untouchable because he is who he is. You are just a wannabe who'll do anything to try to become... something, anything. You're a whore. Is that a fair comment? But there's nothing wrong with being a whore if you can manage to do it with style, wit & charm - three things which you need to at least try to cultivate. You have made an idiot of yourself here as you always do when you try to tangle with me/us (because as you know 'I' don't exist. Move on? Actually - Don't. Laughing at you is such fun. We'd all miss it if you ever stopped entertaining us with your clownish hustling antics.
...you're the one who is"busted"you pathetic, PA-THET-IC LOSER. FOR THE LAST TIME-I...AM..NOT-CHENSVOLD. I am from and reside in NY.
Richard is untouchable because he is who he is??? Are you insane??? He - IS- a wannabe. HE -IS- a loser.
I don't know Chensvold personally. Maybe he is just a poser with enough connections to make himself look legit. He STILL outhshines you and the dickie bird.
Why would Chens write as I did above about the 16 year old darkie whom he kissed ass about on his blog?
Oh yes there is something wrong with being a whore I could care less about covering it with style,etc...
I'll gladly PROVE I'm not Chensvold IDIOT If you have an idea how.
SO WHAT if he comments on dandyism and IVY Style at the same time.
You know dickhead I COULD register at your stupid film noir buff and show you my ip address is New York YOU FUCKIN MORON. BUT- Fuck You.
NO- LAUGHING AT YOU Streetscum is such fun and Chensvold is laughing the loudest.
.......ok stupid. You want to blaze a trail to jackassville beyond the horizon keep going.
Drop the saracastic bs and answer a simple question. Isn't there the slightest chance however remote that I'm not Chens? Now be fair to logic please Sherlock. Things aren't always what they seem.
Humour me then Streetscum. Let's make pretend I'm not Chensvold. Just curious what would you,do you have to say then.
How would it make you feel and look at FNB and beyond to know your dead wrong.
Your ego wants and needs to believe I'm Chens to look good unto yourself.
Beyond the horizon is your humilation and you're gonna drown in it.
HaHaHa......now you're squirming.... take note how he has become hyper verbal here with a nervous stream of conciousness....YOU'RE AFRAID I'm not really Chensvold. You've invested too much time now, and are willing to keep it up just to save face.
You realize how -demented-psychotic and..OBSESSED you look and sound??? NO ONE, IS SHARING with you at FNB.
You are speaking to YOURSELF in that thread as an obsessed demented psycho.
Those of you at FNB, IF you're reading along will you please help this idiot I KNOW some of you must know I'm not Chensvold.
ENOUGH. GET THERAPY. You are obsessed with Chensvold. Get a Life. You plain scumbucket loser. GO AHEAD FOLLOW UP WITH YET ANOTHER ACCUSATION. KEEP DIGGING -YOUR- GRAVE.
Posted a comment to "WASP101". That Richard should look up up the name of Chase Coleman.Now here is a WASP. Head of Tiger Hedge Fund, a lifestyle second to none, born and bred into WASPdom. NOT A WANNABE. The day "Richard" comes anywhere near what Chase is ,is the day "Richard can consider himself anywhere near WASPdom.
As well as pointing out a book THE WAY OF THE WASP By Richard Brookhiser. "Richard" of WASP101 has never heard nor read the book I'm sure.Or else his point of view would be entirely different.
Sorry all you "supporters" of Richard..... I DO KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT. A greater collection of brainless boobs does not exist than you supporters of Richard's jockstrap of an ego.
Mr Street,just go fuck yourself and drop dead. You want to believe this post is from Chensvold as well go ahead. Christian KNOWS it isn't him as do I. Keep trying to maintain "dignity" in front of all your FNB scum. Someday you will discover you've been wrong all along.
I DARE YOU TO BE STUPID ENOUGH to dismiss Mr Chase Coleman as THE example of all things a young modern day WASP is.
BE STUPID ENOUGH - to dismiss Brookhiser's book as well. A great authority on the subject.
gigglegiggle....oh chensvold the thngs you say.... gigggle giggle.....I have your IP ADDRESS.... giggle giggle.......
There.I've saved you the trouble of typing a response. NOW SHUT UP you demented obsessed psycho and go-fuck-your-self. TRULY.
Wish to add I posted said comments above last night Jan 19. As of today,Wed Jan 20,1:10pm est, Richard has yet to post the comments. Won't be suprised if he does not. The truth does hurt.
Oh boy, this is probably the worst death spiral that I have ever seen.
Now, I’m not completely inclined to believe ‘ole Russ (I like JJ better) that this is CMC. But whoever you are, I feel like I should give you some advice, as one who has been beaten by RS before.
You have lost. That is a fact. Allow me to explicate. Even if you are not CMC, and you can prove it indelibly (which is frankly doubtful), you will not have won. Because even though Russ was wrong about you being CMC, he has still made you reveal yourself to be a complete and total ass. Regardless of your real name, Russ has tarnished it to the extent that you have absolutely no credibility now. You will always be that guy sounding that one racist, bigoted, poorly formed note.
If you are CMC, then you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you have lost and why you’ve lost.
So you have two options.
One: Go away. Stop checking this comment section, stop replying to RS, turn off the computer, and go be with your Aryan family and your Aryan friends. Live your Aryan life and forget about RS, Richard, and me.
Two: Continue to fight as Anon. The problem with this is that you are (presumably) one man. Russell Street is many. He will beat you. You will give up before him. So you’re really just wasting your time.
Anyways, feel free to ridicule me and attack me personally about things which have nothing to do about my argument, writing a reply consisting of half curse words and half syntactical errors. I’m ready.
Fine with me "Conor". I know "R Street" is just a name, you leftist scum share. I have said all I care to say to you and Richard. I'd be willing to bet the farm you're all FreeMason scum and Richard is a newly recruited brother whom you are now protecting.
The discipline of the Lord Jesus Christ upon your heads is forthcoming.
So Take Care,G'Bye,Sayanora,Adios and......... GOOD LUCK.
May I kindly request that you remove the above comments claiming that I am the author of this blog? As you know, that is not the case.
As it is theoretically possible, however, that I am the author of the other anonymous comments above, it wouldn't be fair of me to ask you to remove them.
"Richard/WASP101 and anyone defending him is a fucking dork."
Sorry, but I've got to concur. It would be hard to find anyone more unfamiliar with Waspdom's tenets and mores. And he's totally oblivious of the fact. When it comes to clothes, waspishness is essentially about Sprezz which is another word for nonchalance. 101's contrived strivings are the antithesis of this whole concept as to be honest are the appearances of quite a lot of people popping up on these prep/wasp sites.....what do these folks think they look like?
The WASP "scene" does not advertise. Along with a steady decline over the years, and generational gaps, you are left with a modern day landscape that reduces the term and has many young people believing it's merely being "preppy" nothing to do with your heritage, class, upbringing, education, and so forth.
All an attempt to water down a term that is a CLASS distinction if nothing else, to make those who are not feel better about themselves,since it has the history of being the ruling class of America, it is envied and sought after. There is no doubt the American WASP "style" is captivating to anyone looking for a sense of style and belonging. However, how do you cultivate a style that if not born and bred into it your chances of understanding it are slim? Simply it gets lowered to the least common denominator in a society's never ending cry for "EQUALITY'......
"However, how do you cultivate a style that if not born and bred into it"
Quite easily if you have intelligence, sensitivity and a modicum of commonsense. There are plenty of examples of outsiders breaking the code. The problem with the subject under discussion it that he is totally lacking in these qualities to the point of being humorous. He's self evidently silly which is why this blog is probably using a sledgehammer to crack a rather small nut.
You are quite right. However I was addressing how society collectively chooses to answer the problem. Quite easily as you say if one has intelligence,sensitivity, modicum of common sense. Unfortunately such characteristics are akin to an archaelogical discovery among today's America. Look who's president.
As someone pointed out in the most recent comments in the most recent post at 101, I truly believe and suspect "Richard" is mentally ill. Too long to type out all the hints throughout his blog that point to this, it would not be suprising if even multiple personality disorder is at work. "Richard" has clearly, clearly, without any doubt posted anonymously supporting comments to his own posts as well as responding to his critics under different names or anon.
Occasionally, a wild enraged all caps response with the same message of "DON'T LIKE IT DON'T READ IT!" "NO STYLE OF YOUR OWN!?" or the lesser, "start your own blog if you feel you could do better!!"
It is indeterminate how long it takes a particular case to crack and finally lose it. Most likely he is under medication at present. His sanity depends on being accepted as he wishes to be, and his blog helps him lie to himself successfully.
Best guess,as he reaches middle age and is still just "Richard" of "WASP101" if he keeps the blog running that long at some point the defense mechanism will no longer support him and reality will be too much to bear. At present in his early thirties he stiil has time to believe his "dreams" can and will come true. He chooses the path of deceit and PR bs nonsense to accomplish them.
His end will be destruction,imploding from within.
"ummm ok...uhh how's this? .. No, Richard no good.... hmmm...duhh..... Ah! Try holding your hands flat against your side Richard, then there will be no pear shape!
....hey that does work!!! bet they don't even notice!!"
Duh,Richard....duh...duh and more duh on top. DUH101. Get off the internet Richard.
It appears Admiral Clod, Laguna Beach Turd is "mentoring"the idiot Dickie Bird behind the scenes, for quite some time now as well. The Admiral is a fake idiot too Richard, A more "sophisticated"loser perhaps, but just the kind of phony you'd fall for ,all ego based. So he's the one who makes you feel approved unto WASPdom? No Richard, you're an ass once again. You're like Felix Unger from the Odd Couple but such a greater monstrous ass the audience can't stand you and can't wait for you to get off the stage. Get off the internet Richard.
Annnnnnnd JUST AS I PREDICTED. There is now a movement in Mass to ban........the "R" word. Look it up.
You libs are so pathetic it's un-believable. I truly HOPE some of you who I "argued" with over this still pop in here now and then.
THE "R" WORD......oh no.... I told you idiots you want to control freedom of speech. I showed you idiots who you really are. You ARE leftist control freaks. THAT'S A FACT.
"THE "R" WORD......oh no.... I told you idiots you want to control freedom of speech."
.....Oh yes right wing Christian evangelicals have always led the charge when it come to free speech......I wonder why our tv screens have that blur wheneve some woman shows her tits when anywhere else in the world outside of muslim fundamentalist countries they dispense with the blur...get real sonny
Yeah I'll get real pops. You of course, like the majority of self righteous scum believe and credit humanity with a level of maturity it does not have. Anyone bright enough to recognize this understands.Sure, the sight of woman's naked breast should mean nothing and should produce nothing of any kind of reaction to worry about. THE POINT IS you just don't care.You -DON'T care about dignity or class or presevation thereof. You don't care about civility. You HATE AUTHORITY.You want complete and total non judgemental freedom for all, morality being a subjective thing not a buffer against man's sick and depraved nature. The Muslim religion takes it too far.There is a healthy balance. The only purpose in relaxing standards in a society is for rebellion from the likes of you. Authority and judgement are evil principles so do ANYTHING to protest against them, while acting you're really standing for freedom of expression. NO YOU'RE NOT. You are self righteous scum through and through thinking you're going to tell our creator what's right and what's wrong ,you can live life just fine without his constant overbearing authority. FINE. God WON'T change your mind. He doesn't want to. He is perfectly at peace in your rejection of him and your standards. However you do disgust him ,so he has a simple solution ,TO HELL WITH YOU and your attitude. Unfortunately this grand FU God has waiting for you won't be revealed till you're dead. So,whatever humanitarian idiot. blah,blah,blah....christianity is evil and oppressive ,blah,blah blah... There's a hot time in the ol' town 24/7 and believe me you have your reservation. Dinner will be served. You won't be reading the menu,... you'll be on it.
AND CLEARLY YOU ARE RICHARD HIMSELF!........ have you not noticed that the posts here are few and far between? With no regular updates? How is there an obsession here? No maintainence either.
Richard is a joke. He not only goes out to "Hardees" wearing an ascot, he admits it, and actually highlights this activity on his blog.
IT'S PLAIN DAMN FUN, THIS BLOG. THAT'S IT. No feelings of being threatened or....jealousy.. You are a fool Richard and this gives many a good laugh at you.
Why do you suppose.......NO other blog out there among the ones that even correspond with you, this kind of thing ......doesn't happen......
There's plenty, MUCH MORE qualified blogs to go after, if jealousy or feelings of being threatened were the motivation.
You're the court jester of the prep/wasp blog community Richard. IT'S THAT SIMPLE.
I GUARANTEE YOU- this blog would not exist if it were Richard 101, My Life 101, My Style 101, My Blog 101, I'M Preppy 101, ETC, etc,etc.....
WASP....101??.....The American WASP is not a gimmick to be taught. It's not a movie role anyone can play with the right clothes,AND YOU CAN'T EVEN GET THAT RIGHT!
No more fancy sarcasm, let's just get right down to it. Thanks now to a growing community of wannabe prep/wasps, blogs it gives the illusion you're "authentic".....
Now read carefully.......thanks to those within the WASP community themselves, who lost heart along the way ,turned their backs on their heritage, felt "guilty".....IDIOTS.... yes there has been a watered down fallen apart culture, difficult to find A TRUE PROUD OUTSPOKEN WASP, lest we hear.... "racist,bigot,homphobe,sexist,blah, blah, blah,blah,blah....." Plenty of WASPS out there with identity crisis who are pa-thetic in being afraid and/or confused whether or not the heritage is worth being proud of.
THE WASP WORLD IS/WAS "SNOBBISH" AND EXCLUSIONARY-BECAUSE IT has heard enough knows enough of the majority's never ending mouth. It is obvious few -FEW!! EVER-QUALIFY FOR-TO THE MANNER BORN and stick with it.
Does not reality and the history of the WASP WORLD NOT GET IT THROUGH YOUR HEAD?
Oh that's right ....you mean WASP -"STYLE" can be taught and applied to anyone... no it can't.
You want to show as evidence your acceptance by other WANNABE WASPS, or WASP losers as certification of yourself....forget it.
The real WASP crowd out there are as private and exclusionary as they have always been. Because eventually you just get fed up. FED UP with the patchetic loss of heart within the WASP world,FED UP with the crybaby majority in the USA FINALLY GETTING THEIR WAY.
Private clubs, a social network so tight to be impenetrable, private hidden estates, PERFECTLY COMFORTABLE with the little world left there is, it is still a GRAND WORLD for those still in it, and are perfectly happy to remain so.
For the few that carry on... If you truly want, wanted to be part of their world Richard, all you have to do is be yourself. You even claim you are a white anglo saxon protestant,and yet..... you want to ACT you insist on ACTING instead of just being.
I've just checked, and Richard is still blogging, despite all this. There's a real strength of purpose there on show I think. Mr. Chensvold continues to be obsessed with Richard, sniping away at him on his "Ivy-Style" blog, but Richard just carries on being Richard. And Richard was blogging on WASP style long before Mr. Chensvold's attempts, we must also remember. So that would seem to be where we are up to. Richard remains Richard no matter what. - Only an observation. Yrs, Russell Street
Amazing indeed. No matter how many times he is told about proper mixing and matching......ignored.
CONTINUES and CONTINUES to show no shame in demonstrating how he NEEDS you to see him as a ladies man.
There is no way you receive the level of spot-on criticisms and continue the way he has without being mentally unstable. All that's said in a proper psycho analysis of Richard has been said.
NOW - he's gone on to a complete undertone of admitting he's just a wannabe and actually feeling"comfortable" as such.
THE IDIOT NOW- post that stupid commercial run for some type of Mexican Beer ,"dos" something, which shows a fictional worldy gentleman, who has been there and done that, the envy of other men, the man women love........
Only rationale conclusion left, Richard has come to recognize he is now in a world of wannabe TRUE WASP/PREP bloggers stroking each others ego's in a pathetic display of insecurity.
Richard? Even among them you are a wannabe. They know. They just can't afford to criticize you lest they invite it unto themselves.
A Salute out there to TrippyFrat who commented recently on another wannabe blog, how pathetic their circle of insecurity is.
He comments at Alex Grant's blog,(a black gentleman calling himself, Skip....) Fratt says, "Could this make it any clearer that these trad/ preppy/wasp blogs are anything more than one huge circle jerk of insecure people desperately needing approval, "HEY DUDE DO I LOOK COOL?" Pathetic."
Mr Grant was looking for input as to whether or not to put actual pennies in penny loafers....
Trippyfratt points out as well, "Wonder if the guys in the Knickerbocker lockerooms ask each other if their jockstraps are "waspy" enough, the great truth is, if you have to ask you aren't."
Well , Richard has finally earned his masters degree,not in WASPdom, but in JACKASSdom.
Hear YE, Hear YE, ALL WHO READ HERE. You're going to love this one.
The latest Worthy Warthole post, "backdoor" ,whatever......
I did that to MOCK the numerous times Richard himself has posted such repsonses anonymously in previous threads. Meaning it to be seen and its intent understood by Richard, alone.
So the idiot goes and incriminates himself and post my mocking comments anyway obviously loving the remarks and can say to himself "this time it wasn't me!"
........TO WW........ 1- Picking Up Girls is NOT A CHALLENGE 2-ANYBODY ,ANYONE, can get laid. 3-There is nothing to envy about you SO WHAT about you and your exploits real or imagined. 4- Stop thinking to yourself,you're Mister Cool who has people reading your crap and admiring you for it.
Believe it or not Little Dickie at wasp101 actually has some serious company in the homo-erotic blog realm with an equally gay/delusional blog. Check it out (at your own risk): http://www.admiralcod.blogspot.com/
Please update this site. WASP 101 is a travesty. It's ALL wrong. That Richard idiot is a closet-case, lowbrow moron and this site should stay up and working against him!
Read parts of the burning contest above. Pathetic really, that Americans actually believe WASPs to be high class. Your whole country is just different degrees of aspiration. There is however no "real deal" aristocracy existing in the US of A.
UPDATE As was predicted, "Richard" is losing it. It seems the catalyst being a certain tale of a private plane flight to D.C. for the sole purpose of eating at a RL "Rugby" cafe. The scandal of WASP101 sealing its fate once and for all. Retreating now into utter, complete madness, "Richard" has closed off the fantasy to an invite only status, which if he had been honest with himself from the beginning ,that's the way it should have been for his own sake. Expecting honest fulfillment of his demented dream in the open was pure nuts . For those wondering ,the "Flight to Rugby" scandal is "Richard" was purely dumb enough to think he could sell one and all a story of him taking a private plane to a Rugby cafe in Washington DC. After being thoroughly discredited, he then comments anonymously on his own blog in response, schizophrenic as ever, that so what if 'Richard" is lying. Saying to one and all you are the ones who have the problem. We should"build a bridge" and get over it"......some ass from another blog gives it a LOL as if "Richard" really got us with that one! Ms Kathy Truitt or whatever...
May I joyfully, and yet sorrowfully direct all to a new blog lifewithoutrichard.blogspot.com WASP101SUCKS you are now a proud shrine. Your mission accomplished. May you stand forever as a monument to the eradication of "Richard the Ass".
As we now reflect at lifewithoutrichard PLEASE - share your stories and comments. When did "Richard" first make you sick? What comments did he delete of yours or refuse to post? When did you first realize all is not well with "Richard"? What comment of yours DID "Richard" post incriminating himself, in spite of himself?
I understand a wake is planned for The Rugby Cafe in D.C. Please contact lifewithoutrichard.blogspot.com for details. Ascots MUST be worn, and will then be ceremoniously removed and urinated upon and disposed of as a final and appropriate salute to "Richard" and WASP101. Bon Voyage Richard. May your sailing into the seas of madness be all that you hoped for.
HE'S BACK!......No. The madness just continues. Just keep digging the grave Richard.Keep digging. You have more people supporting your blog for the "entertainment" value of watching you bury yourself. How deep a grave you wish to entomb yourself in is up to you. He's back. UNBELIEVABLE.
Oh my what a pathetic blog is this wasp101sucks thing. The utter endeavor to start an entire blog aimed at the single purpose of bringing one man down, as well as the smug arrogance regarding your presumed knowledge of the 'true WASP' thing, comes off as a blunt disgrace, in which you sadly brought mr. Chensvold along.
I find it hard to empathize with your great efforts to shed bad light on wasp101. FYI, the first definition of WASP by sociologist Hacker in '57 goes "they are wealthy, they are Anglo-Saxon in origin, and they are Protestants." Judging from this definition, I don't see why Richard cannot be WASP. What then, could cause your ranting? Not his style of clothing, as you have pointed out neatly that this has an element of subjectivity and can consequently not be harshly criticized. Nor could it be his unabashed exhibitioning of himself, as you have implicated that you possess sufficient civilization in order to not bash fellow human beings for something small like this.
No, the only satisfying interpretation that remains is that you guys are a bunch of porky nudniks incited by envy over Richard's superior financial situation. You; get a life. Christian, please withdraw from this misery.
I'm afraid I must object to your referring to Richard as "Retard." I know several people who are genuinely mentally handicapped, and they are all kind, well-mannered people despite their disabilities. Comparing them to Richard does them a disservice.
ReplyDeleteI must say, if you are going to harpoon the man, you should at least keep up. That's just good sport.
ReplyDeletePlease stop calling him "retard".
ReplyDeleteTake the pledge: http://www.r-word.org/
Please Anonymous 5:00 pm, Go Fuck yourself.
ReplyDeleteTake the pledge : http ;/www.gofuckyourself.org/
You pieces of PC shit are unbelievable. You actually think you
have the right to tell people what they can or cannot say.
"but it's a good thing to not say - Retard", you and your whole
organization miss the point. Same as the "abolish the n-word"
crowd. No kidding it's not polite. Using the word Retard is
appropriate here as its MEANT to be insulting.
Mature people understand and can regulate their own speech.
No one here wishes to go around personally insulting
mentally handicapped people or make them feel bad about
The out and out right gall for you people to believe you are
actually going to CONTROL other people's speech?
Just what measures are you going to take? I'm sure many people
would be willing to blast your head off with a nice round
of ammuntion before you ever think of trying to control their
speech I don't care how justified you people think you are.
You people are insane.
Wow, insane? What sort of bastard responds to a polite request by suggesting someone would want to blow my head off or calling me a piece of shit?
ReplyDeleteI think it's you missing the point. You ARE insulting handicapped people by using the word retard when you mean to say someone is embarrassing or pathetic.
To the writer of the blog: I don't think you intended to insult disabled people, but I do think you could use other words to say what you mean. I know your blog is called Wasp 101 Sucks but I took it to be more of a funny dig at how pretentious Richard can sometimes be - I didn't expect my request would get such a venomous reply. Wow.
To anon 7:49pm: I wrote the 5pm post because I'm the mum of a little boy who is retarded. I just wanted the writer to use a different word, that's all. I included the link to explain why.
Ignoring the point now. Ms Anon 6:35 pm.
ReplyDeleteThis is the psychology of how anti - freedom movements
start . It's a good premise. It's worth enforcing.
Sure you're all just a "peaceful " little harmless protest
group aren't you?
NO. YOU- actually dream about the day you can make
a LAW out of this , look forward to arresting people
eventually for their very speech.
Justified because your heart says so.
How you feel is more important than thinking
through your problems.
Human Nature. You want to stop the wave of immaturity
in human nature that ranges from impolite to downright
SPEECH,with only gov't appointed regulated speech
allowed anywhere, anytime.
So you have the nerve to think you are the only offended
party by human nature HUH? Fine, no more "Retard"
people will find another word. How 'bout MORONS?
Going to start another movement then to end the "M"
word? You will fail, because then ANOTHER WORD
you don't like will replace it.
And if you can outlaw the word "retard" well just
open the doors now , FOR MILLIONS of others
with THEIR ISSUES, and their "offended" issues
regarding freedom of speech.
WHY DENY THEM? ............
It is up to you to do your best and instill in your child
with love ,caring , and nurturing a sense of self worth.
Don't you dare say that's not possible because your child
is mentally handicapped. Oh yes it is. It just takes MORE
PERSONAL TIME out of a parent's schedule to take care
of such a child. MORE attention needed, more supervision,
more guidance.
It would be wonderful to push a magic button
somewhere that could instantly change EVERYONE
into the finest of ladies and gentlemen with
an absolute perfect standard of behavior....
Not going to happen. YOU are the one who is to
protect ,nurture, teach and raise your child
not to be victimized by life here on planet earth.
Do your best.
Yes your organization is still insane.
Pundit...is that you? Are you replying "anonymously", just like silly Richard? How funny, if you are.
ReplyDeleteWhat a load of crazy bile. Have fun together you wankers, but NEVER confuse yourself with a MATURE person while you are calling Richard "Retard".
Have a nice day. Seek help, angry yelling man. Wow you write a long "reply".
From Blogger's Content Policy:
ReplyDeleteVIOLENT CONTENT: Users may not publish direct threats of violence against any person or group of people.
From Anon 7:49pm:
I'm sure many people
would be willing to blast your head off with a nice round of ammuntion before you ever think of trying to control their speech
This is a direct threat of violence, made by a weak coward hiding behind the phrase "many people" and the anonymity of the web.
Pundit, these comments should be deleted.
I am not Pundit. There was no direct threat of violence.
ReplyDeleteI was merely pointing out in the name of YOUR self
righteous standards I'd be willing to bet you would
enforce your stance eventually attacking the rights of free
speech by making certain speech against the law.
Going as far as trying to have people physically taken off
to jail thereby leaving them having to defend themselves.
In other words the comments were directed toward
you manifesting your politically correct speech
movement into policing speech forcibly upon a free
people who will not stand there and take it.
"Blast your head off" meaning it as a collective
noun towards your politically correct agenda.
At no time do you deny , at NO TIME do you say you
are not interested in forcing your political crap
controlled speech on others. You did not deny it.
You know what I stated is how you really feel.
SO,you try the ol' let's just laugh it off routine.
"Crazy Bile" you call it. NO.
You are the crazy bile and you know it.
You are obsessed BECAUSE you truly believe your
insane politicaly correct speech movement
is good. It's for the betterment of all of us.
It's justified to force people to abolish
certain "words" you can't stand.
How can anyone with their heart in the
place possibly be against you ?
You - beTter seek help. Because you are going
to crack up if you really believe you will ever
see the day when you are going to control
people's speech, I DON'T CARE HOW MUCH SUPPORT
And of course the lovely UK, where the criminal has
more rights then the victim. Ask an invading burglar
to leave your house should he come to rob you.
In fact the burglars have successfully sued homeowners
who dared defend their home against the theives.
YEAH , your heads on straight.
Next time address the points made.
Stop spinning the post response to how
Ah, I'd bet money that the CRAZY who goes round frothing at the mouth, spouting "crazy bile" and writing every other sentence in CAPITALS is almost definitely pundit. That level of insane hatred and bitterness has pundit's style all over it.
ReplyDeleteAnd, no, you ignorant fool, "Blast your head off" isn't a noun, collective or otherwise. Or is your inability to write English properly an example of "free speech" as you understand it?
Please increase whatever medication you are on, the current dose isn't working.
This is hugely entertaining by the way. Once the bunch of loons who used to gather over at Richard's place got themselves barred I was afraid that their highly entertaining antics would be lost to the world, but no need to worry, here you all are!
AND ONCE AGAIN - you ignore addressing the points made
ReplyDeleteabout the insanity of political correctness.
Hatred and bitterness?......Being in favor of free speech
is hatred and bitterness? Really?
AND ONCE AGAIN- you spin my post and define it the
way you want to.
No - you better increase your medication for you still
ignore the points that you know damn well condemn
everything you stand for.
You got a point to make big mouth than make it.
The trouble is I've already made your point for you in that
you are in favor of enforcing your politically correct
crap on others , you still don't deny it.
No "blast your head off " isn't LITERALLY a collective noun.
No kidding jackass . You know exactly what I meant
and notice how you seek to discredit what I state by
attacking and making an issue out of everything else
except simply admiting you are a leftist control freak
who believes in their cause, so deeply , anything to
the contrary ,you think is evil, hateful, bitter....
NOW - you ignorant leftist control freak
simply admit that is indeed what you are be proud of it
and shut up.
No it's not entertaining and you know it.
You are not going to deflate or discredit my entirely
accurate assessment of who you are by continually
applying every spin you can think of .
I will glady continue to humiliate the living hell out
of you, and call you out each and every time you
insist on dancing around the issue.
Stop talking like you are the sane one.
YOU'RE NOT. Take your poiltically correct crap
and shove it so far you stay constipated for life.
You certainly need an exlax for your brain,
which is constipated BEYOND BELIEF.
You are pundit. That is now 99% certain. Is that CERTAIN enough for you? You can't conceal it any longer. Even from yourself. I assume that there is some kind of disturbed personality defect in evidence here. You may not even realise that you are pundit? So sad.
ReplyDeleteThis whole blog is an exercise in hatred. You should be ashamed. Really, the doctors know best. Stop ignoring their advice. Or at least get a job. Those welfare cheques can't amount to much.
The only one ranting (RANTING) about free speech and leftists is you. One person asked you not to use the word "retard". You went into paroxysms of hatred accusing them of everything under the sun. You talk about spin, but fantasise about the views of others on the most fragile of evidence. You don't learn, but continue to spew out venom and paranoia.
Incidentally, sorry to disappoint you, but I wouldn't dream of censoring anything you say, you're far too entertaining for that. Use any words you like, they all condemn you as the raving nut you are.
You don't have enough self-awareness to realise it, and I fully expect another torrent of abuse: but you embarrass yourself, no-one else.
Have a nice day!
Hey, guess what?
ReplyDeleteI asked the author to "Take the pledge", then I responded at 6:35am and 3:30pm.
The other posts aren't mine. Someone else thinks you're as much of a crank as I do.
Just to add to my 4:11am post-
ReplyDeleteAt least two people actually expressed discomfort over the use of the word retard.
Also, I don't think I really have any point to make other than that I would appreciate it if the author would choose not to use the word retard when he means pathetic or horrible. I think I actually have already made my point.
I also don't think I have anything to "deny" (or rather, DENY). I realise absolutely that I can't control anyone else's speech. But I am allowed to ask them to consider their choices. A "no, I'm not changing it" would have been a sufficient reply.
Go on, you are Pundit, aren't you...;-)
Wait - one more thing!
ReplyDeleteDo you really think you are humiliating anyone other than yourself?
PS Yelling sure isn't WASPy. :-(
I know someone else posted in addition to your original post.
ReplyDeleteNot yelling, for that would be severe exclamation points.
Capitalizing to get in your face, strong enough to get -
your - attention.
WELL FINALLY. Now you people directly address the situation.
Hmmm...."an exercise in hatred"....."paroxysms of hatred"
"paranoia and venom".............
Sigh......yes you are leftists. The stages I describe come
after such movements gain momentum.
You recruit people. You continue your hype.
You see how many stories of "retard" speech
you can find.
You call on public schools to suspend or even ban
students if caught using the dreaded " R' word,
this is how it begins.
Same at the job place and / or office.
Completely justified to suspend or fire someone
if they use the "R' word on the job..........
Your "take the pledge" group start protests if you
don't get your way.
Coincidentally enough maybe a mentally handicapped
person gets physically attacked, victim of a heinous
crime.......well that does it.....now your hearts ache
ever so more ....now all of a sudden making it
against the law to say the "R'" word ....doesn't
seem so bad......
Special laws made if a crime is racist based
or anti homosexual.....A crime is a crime is a crime.
Viloating someone elses rights through crime
is not a bigger more heinous crime because
you are part of some kind of minority as a victim.
Prime example of your nonsensical ways of thinking.
If you are truly not their yet , you are on your way.
Enough propaganda, enough tugs on your heart strings,
yes eventually you will find yourselves supporting laws
banning speech to further your cause.
YEAH.....how about that?
OH what I described has never happened regarding
speech already???
Yes it has......glad to rub it in your faces.
I know you know I'm not Pundit, nice amatuerish
try there at mockery.
Anything else, smart asses? Or is enough ,enough.
Come comrades, we have been found out and we must desist. We must try different tactics. Fortunately the loon is now in a frenzy and we have the chance for our evil black homosexual female pro-PC anti-free speech pro-gun control Marxist-Leninist doctors to go to work.
ReplyDeleteFirst, we track down the lunatic's details through their blog, Wasp101sucks.
Then we creep into their home.
Then, their attention distracted while they are in front of their bargain basement PC typing out abusive messages to Richard, flecks of spittle hitting the screen at every strike of the keyboard, we take our opportunity to insert electrodes into their brain (different ones to the electrodes that were already installed by the satanic space aliens who monitor their every move).
Then we switch on the power.
Before too long the world's last free born right thinking freedom loving free speaker becomes a gay black female atheistic communist just as our evil plans dictate.
And what is most cruel, they will never be able to write in CAPITALS ever again.
Poor old Richard, for all his faults I'm rather sorry for him if he has to trawl through wads of this kind of drivel every day. All he wanted to do was to post some pictures of himself in clothes he was proud of. Some people seem to have mistaken him for the anti-christ.
ReplyDeleteHA HA , he he, ho ho.....hmmmm. No jackass you're not all
mad scientists on a huge conspiracy together, what you
are is self righteous mindless sheep who do support the
nonsense you stated as sarcasm.
And....you do the worst thing possible to destroy all your effort.
The worst thing...Poor old Richard????
"All he wanted to do was to post pictures of himself in clothes
he was proud of"
NO.All he wanted to do was show off , brag about himself ,
draw attention to himself , pass himself off as something he is not,
was not, and will never be.
But of course through your worthless bleeding
non judgemental pc heart , you only see....
the good in Richard......awwwwwww how sweet....
Forget discussing anything else. The fact that you would
"stick up for" and support Richard is all that needs to
be presented on your behalf as far as wondering how you
feel about any other issue in life.
The introduction at the top should say at the end ,
..."and pompous Richard from WASP 101 BLOG
HA HA HA...........you lower case scum you.
Just can't help capitalizing, can you?
ReplyDeleteInteresting that "for all his faults" is seen as sticking up for someone. Perhaps in your vindictive world it is? I'd have thought it was fairly neutral. And even if, as you claim, he was to "show off , brag about himself, draw attention to himself, pass himself off as something he is not, was not, and will never be" - does that really matter? If he wants attention then ignore him, it's the worst punishment.
As for non-judgemental, wrong again. I judge that you're mental. Don't think that there is much doubt about that.
And is that last line the best you can do? Well, better lower case than lower class. And you are, in your anger and hatred, as low and as lacking in class as it gets.
Will have to say goodbye now, as I'm starting to get bored baiting the troll. I'll leave the inevitable last word to you. Go for it, you maniac...
Dear angry man,
ReplyDeleteCapitalization is shouting, and is impolite.
To April 3 8:24am: Thanks Comrade. It's good to know someone's got my back. ;-)
Where is Pundit?
DAMN! THAT MADE MY EYES POP OUT! OH, was that in caps, LOL!
ReplyDeleteThough I hate it, I would have to agree that the PC crap has gone over board a bit. I once called a woman in my old office "Baby Girl" and had to go through a sensitivity program, and loss of a raise over the whole thing.
I think that adults should be just that, adults. If someone is ignorant enough to still use the "N" word, well that just shows you how ignorant they are. I personally don't like it when anyone uses it, black or white. However, I don't think that its really my place to condem someone for using it. On the other side of that coin however, if you were to call me the "N" word, I guess I will be showing you how ignorant I can be as well.
Something I beleive that we have all gotten away from is that old adage; "sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me." If more people can get back to that, I think that we would all be better off.
By the way, whomever it is that keeps stating that this is Pundit, I think you need to read more of this blog, as this is in no way Pundit. As a matter of fact if you read this blog enough, you will see that this person is the most vocal person here.
Is it me, or does Richard look like Odo on Star Trek Deep Space 9?
Pundit ,Pundit, O Pundit, Wherefore art thou?
ReplyDeleteThe idiot is at it again with his nonsense ,just begging.
begging for some new matierial from you.
Please make a new post once in a while at least, if you can.
The moron is now concerned with the issue of "signet rings"......
I really miss Worthington. Despite being an imaginary friend, he seemed to have a somewhat better sense of style.
ReplyDeleteWell, believe it or not whoever may be stopping
ReplyDeleteby, business may be picking up again.
"Richard's" latest commenters are asking, begging,
him to discontinue moderation of comments
and let things resume as they once were for
the entertainment value!!
Please Richard feed yourself to the sharks again.
Even your supporters want to see it.
Somewhat akin to a bad comedian to come out
on stage again because his hecklers make the show.
Thus has become the legacy of blogspot, "WASP101".
Hello Ask Andy Folks! Couldn't help noticing "Wasp 101" getting a
ReplyDelete"reboot" among your posters at this time. I am not the author of this
site but I do thank the gentleman at your forum who agreed with
the anti pc comments.
The latest at "Richards Place".....his five favorite labels....uh - huh.
J.PRESS? No , Richard that is not your favorite label.
What IS your favorite label?........
WHY RICHARD.....it's so simple. Right in front of your face.
WASP- is your favorite label.
But no matter how much you may try to wear it,
it will never coordinate with you.
Carry On Richard....
Why is Chritian M. Chensvold doing this blog?
ReplyDeleteI just don't understand.
Does he feel threatened?
RRRRRRRRRRRussell Street.
Well,Mr Street....or should I say ,another leftist scumbag.
ReplyDeleteThis blog was started by someone named "Pundit",one
of Richard's more creative critics from early '09.
Female I believe.Don't know for sure.
I have nothing to do with "Pundit" or Chensvold.
But what a pleasure...to finally get to talk to you.
Class systems within a society go completely against your
leftist philosphy to begin with.WHO THE HELL ARE
-YOU- to comment on"IVY"Style??
Oh. Of course if you're completely backwards liberalism
is the upperclass standard......there is no UPPER class
in the doc of equality that you and your ilk rest upon.
Why don't you comment on gov't issue clothing
since you have a gov't issued mind?
You're plain scum Mr Street.Tis no wonder you would
prefer "Richie" over Chensvold.
To be fair perhaps there ARE things about Chensvold
I could come to discover that would be quite unfavorable.
But chances are you hate him for no other reason than
a "CONSERVATIVE" approach,feel,look,overall style that
he chooses to present himself.
Keep your head shoved up Lucifer's ass where it belongs
Street along with all your leftist Filmnoir Buff Buddies.
UPDATE:Oh "Richard"? Raccoon Coats were a staple of
ReplyDeletethe Ivy League Look and part of its history.MO-RON.
Perfectly legitmate to discuss.
Congratulations on the endorsement of Russell Street
further sinking your decrepit ship.
That man stands for everything you despise politically
Dickie Bird. But then again you're a weak kneed pathetic
moderate,go to the democrats Richard.You belong with them.
Oh Christian M. Chensvold of Ivy_Style.con, has it really come to this? This blog is clearly your work, as are so many of the comments posted above.
ReplyDeleteFor shame.
RRRRRRRussell Street.
.......listen you stupid son of a bitch.
ReplyDeleteI am not Chensvold. I DO recognize Lucifer's big
stinkin mouth through yours Mr Street.
Got a problem? Cause Jesus will shut your mouth
real fast mister.Keep it up.Just keep it up.
Got it Jackass? One does not have to be Christian
Chensvold to have issues with you.
And of course you don't even deny you are
a stinkin hypocritical leftist.
"has it really come to this".....
YOU are the inept loser Mr Street.
Chensvold is a winner in life.
You and Richard are the losers.
Simple enough? Who cares how much,
or how many support you and Dickie.
Shame is the wardrobe of your pathetic soul,
not anyone else's.
Oh Mr. Chensvold - The things you say!
ReplyDeleteHaving established that this is the work of Christian M. Chensvold 0f Ivy-Style.com, then what next?
I suspect that this blog is all washed up now.
"the things you say"....and the things you DON'T say
ReplyDeleteStreetScum. How about Russell Gutter instead?
Fits your soul so much more appropriately.
What a BIG mouth you have at your forum StreetScum.
Now confronted with someone who can wipe the floor
with you OH, are we short of speech.
I-AM-NOT-Chensvold. You know it too.Just being a pain.
Having established you don't have what it takes
to confront me what next?
I suspect your mouth is all washed up now.
Keep lying to yourself cause its makes you feel
more comfortable to believe I'm Chensvold.
I'm not mister I'm a lot worse,further to the right
then he could ever be. Yeah....tongue tied
aren't we...didn't think someone could
come along and shut your ego up but good
eh, StreetScum.
My dear, dear Mr. Christian M. Chensvold...
ReplyDeleteWhere do you go from here?
You have a hate blog filled with your rants and all to no effect.
You lack the charm and sense of fun of Richard and so Richard wins.
Look at all the time you have put into all of this. Why?
The sun will rise & the sun will set and Richard will carry on being Richard while you are stuck frothing at the mouth like this.
Time to move on?
Best WIshes,
Russell Street.
"charm and sense of fun"......
ReplyDeleteRichard is an ego based loser
who wishes he belonged to a certain class.
Whoever started this blog,whomever"Pundit"is,
good for them.I'll give you the flatout straight answer
far as I'm concerned as to this constant WHY,why,why....
To all of you wondering.......ITS PLAIN DAMN FUN.
It's fun to take this idiot of WASP101 who wants to
strut around and brag about himself wishing he
was "Ric Flair" in real life and take his stupid ego
and rub rub,RUB his damn face in it.In reality.
Richard is a wonderful collective noun for all
the blogging idiots.
WHO CARES- what others think or don't think
of your wardrobe.A winner doesn't care or NEED
other people's support for any fulfillment
of ego.
Mr Chensvold is a professional editor with a career
and a site with many corporate advertisements
whom obviously recognize him as such,
To further prove to you I'm not Chensvold, In no
way shape or form would I support any negro,
could care less about his recent article of
the little 16yr old shit who be likin de ivy style...
The psyche of godless people results in making
a god out of your own ego AND making humanity
the be all to end all. YOU TYPES HATE-HATE-
HATE- those who do not give humanity faith,
who do not feel obligated to make all feel
equal,poor Richard he's a fellow human
so what if he's arrogant and running at the
mouth, that's all of us,who are you to judge....
If it's not Lucifer's BIG nonstop mouth that angels
were all created equal and didn't deserve to get
kicked out of heaven,we have millions and
billions of humans who can't stand the eternal
inequality of those who will be in heaven
and those who are going to hell.
Streetscum. You are completely ANTI-the
christian heritage that Christ blessed the
American WASP with anyway.
You are the mindless underclass maggot whose
worm of a soul knows nothing of the class
of the King of Kings and Lord Of Lords
Jesus Christ.
And you SHALL never know it.
Yes the sun will rise and the sun will set.
Chensvold will go on to a prosperous career
while Richard will crack up as his "dream"
of ever becoming a WASP slowly dies and
falls apart. While you shall remain in the
gutter Streetscum.Be sure to collect faded
gray as the predominant color of your
wardrobe to match the color of the
pavement of skidrow.
Go F yourself.
Christian M. Chensvold you are soooo busted! Why not just take it on your ample chin?
ReplyDeleteYou're making yourself look like a silly billy again - Just like you did in Brooks at the Christmas bash.
Richard is Richard, but who and what are you? Do you even know? All you do is to endlessly pose as various things to try to hustle a buck. First a Dandy, now an Ivy fan, what next?
Richard is untouchable because he is who he is. You are just a wannabe who'll do anything to try to become... something, anything.
You're a whore. Is that a fair comment?
But there's nothing wrong with being a whore if you can manage to do it with style, wit & charm - three things which you need to at least try to cultivate.
You have made an idiot of yourself here as you always do when you try to tangle with me/us (because as you know 'I' don't exist.
Move on?
Actually - Don't.
Laughing at you is such fun. We'd all miss it if you ever stopped entertaining us with your clownish hustling antics.
Russell x x x
...you're the one who is"busted"you pathetic,
I am from and reside in NY.
Richard is untouchable because he is who
he is??? Are you insane???
He - IS- a wannabe. HE -IS- a loser.
I don't know Chensvold personally.
Maybe he is just a poser with enough
connections to make himself look legit.
He STILL outhshines you and the dickie bird.
Why would Chens write as I did above about
the 16 year old darkie whom he kissed ass
about on his blog?
Oh yes there is something wrong with being
a whore I could care less about covering
it with style,etc...
I'll gladly PROVE I'm not Chensvold IDIOT
If you have an idea how.
If Chensvold is reading this HE IS
SO WHAT if he comments on dandyism
and IVY Style at the same time.
You know dickhead I COULD register at your
stupid film noir buff and show you my ip address
BUT- Fuck You.
NO- LAUGHING AT YOU Streetscum is
such fun and Chensvold is laughing
the loudest.
Oh Christian M. Chensvold - The things you say!
ReplyDeleteWe're all enjoying this one over on FNB:
Harmless fun.
The more desperate you are to claim not to be yourself, Chris, the more you look like yourself.
But with much love,
.......ok stupid.
ReplyDeleteYou want to blaze a trail to jackassville beyond
the horizon keep going.
Drop the saracastic bs and answer
a simple question.
Isn't there the slightest chance however
remote that I'm not Chens?
Now be fair to logic please Sherlock.
Things aren't always what they seem.
Humour me then Streetscum. Let's make
pretend I'm not Chensvold.
Just curious what would you,do you
have to say then.
How would it make you feel and look
at FNB and beyond to know your dead wrong.
Your ego wants and needs to believe
I'm Chens to look good unto yourself.
Beyond the horizon is your humilation
and you're gonna drown in it.
OK Streetscum. Giddyup and be on your way.
You're Chens. I've got your IP. You're busted .
ReplyDeleteGet it yet?
But you had a good run here before I came along.
Be happy with that?
Maybe Chens IS behind this site.
ReplyDeleteMaybe he IS "Pundit" all along.
I don't know. I guess you know
his IP address from when he
commented at your FNB bs.
I am an anonymous poster who signs
in to comment here.
Chens resides in Sunny Cal does he not???
"had a good run here".......
How's that horizon look JACKASS
HEE HAW................
You are so desperate not to be identified with all of this aren't you, Chris? And no wonder - Just look at what you've done here.
ReplyDeleteWell, you shouldn't have done it then, should you?
You are busted. Take it on your many chins.
It's over.
... Wriggle wriggle wriggle, worm on a hook -
ReplyDeleteEveryone is seeing just how busted you look!
I'm talking to you Chensvold!
ReplyDeleteHaHaHa......now you're squirming....
ReplyDeletetake note how he has become hyper
verbal here with a nervous stream of
conciousness....YOU'RE AFRAID
I'm not really Chensvold. You've
invested too much time now, and are
willing to keep it up just to save face.
You realize how -demented-psychotic
and..OBSESSED you look and sound???
NO ONE, IS SHARING with you at FNB.
You are speaking to YOURSELF in that
thread as an obsessed demented psycho.
Those of you at FNB, IF you're reading
along will you please help this idiot
I KNOW some of you must know
I'm not Chensvold.
You are obsessed with Chensvold.
Get a Life. You plain scumbucket
Oh no - Not goodbye. You are the most desperate & sweaty bloke on the Net just now.
ReplyDeleteRun away if you want.
But you remain busted, Chris!
Why else are you running?
... And so it came to pass that Chensvold was busted by Russell yet again & Chensvold didn't like it.
ReplyDeleteNever mind.
Posted a comment to "WASP101".
ReplyDeleteThat Richard should look up
up the name of Chase Coleman.Now here is a WASP.
Head of Tiger Hedge Fund, a lifestyle second to none,
born and bred into WASPdom. NOT A WANNABE.
The day "Richard" comes anywhere near what Chase
is ,is the day "Richard can consider himself anywhere
near WASPdom.
As well as pointing out a book THE WAY OF THE WASP
By Richard Brookhiser. "Richard" of WASP101 has never
heard nor read the book I'm sure.Or else his point of
view would be entirely different.
Sorry all you "supporters" of Richard.....
A greater collection of brainless boobs does
not exist than you supporters of Richard's
jockstrap of an ego.
Mr Street,just go fuck yourself and drop dead.
You want to believe this post is from Chensvold
as well go ahead. Christian KNOWS it isn't him
as do I. Keep trying to maintain "dignity" in front
of all your FNB scum. Someday you will discover
you've been wrong all along.
Mr Chase Coleman as THE example of all things
a young modern day WASP is.
BE STUPID ENOUGH - to dismiss Brookhiser's
book as well. A great authority on the subject.
gigglegiggle....oh chensvold the thngs you say....
gigggle giggle.....I have your IP ADDRESS....
giggle giggle.......
There.I've saved you the trouble of typing a
response. NOW SHUT UP you demented
obsessed psycho and go-fuck-your-self.
Wish to add I posted said comments above last night
ReplyDeleteJan 19. As of today,Wed Jan 20,1:10pm est,
Richard has yet to post the comments.
Won't be suprised if he does not.
The truth does hurt.
All desperate & sweaty again, Christian?
ReplyDeleteYou really can't afford to be linked to all this crap can you?
Run rabbit run.
Bless you, I'm the one who knows what they're talking about here. And I'm talking about you.
Russ. x x x
Oh boy, this is probably the worst death spiral that I have ever seen.
ReplyDeleteNow, I’m not completely inclined to believe ‘ole Russ (I like JJ better) that this is CMC. But whoever you are, I feel like I should give you some advice, as one who has been beaten by RS before.
You have lost. That is a fact. Allow me to explicate. Even if you are not CMC, and you can prove it indelibly (which is frankly doubtful), you will not have won. Because even though Russ was wrong about you being CMC, he has still made you reveal yourself to be a complete and total ass. Regardless of your real name, Russ has tarnished it to the extent that you have absolutely no credibility now. You will always be that guy sounding that one racist, bigoted, poorly formed note.
If you are CMC, then you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you have lost and why you’ve lost.
So you have two options.
One: Go away. Stop checking this comment section, stop replying to RS, turn off the computer, and go be with your Aryan family and your Aryan friends. Live your Aryan life and forget about RS, Richard, and me.
Two: Continue to fight as Anon. The problem with this is that you are (presumably) one man. Russell Street is many. He will beat you. You will give up before him. So you’re really just wasting your time.
Anyways, feel free to ridicule me and attack me personally about things which have nothing to do about my argument, writing a reply consisting of half curse words and half syntactical errors. I’m ready.
Fine with me "Conor". I know "R Street" is just a name,
ReplyDeleteyou leftist scum share. I have said all I care to say to you
and Richard. I'd be willing to bet the farm you're all
FreeMason scum and Richard is a newly recruited
brother whom you are now protecting.
The discipline of the Lord Jesus Christ upon
your heads is forthcoming.
So Take Care,G'Bye,Sayanora,Adios and.........
ReplyDeleteMay I kindly request that you remove the above comments claiming that I am the author of this blog? As you know, that is not the case.
As it is theoretically possible, however, that I am the author of the other anonymous comments above, it wouldn't be fair of me to ask you to remove them.
Richard/WASP101 and anyone defending him is a fucking dork. You don't need to be Christian Chensvold to see this.
ReplyDelete"Richard/WASP101 and anyone defending him is a fucking dork."
ReplyDeleteSorry, but I've got to concur. It would be hard to find anyone more unfamiliar with Waspdom's tenets and mores. And he's totally oblivious of the fact. When it comes to clothes, waspishness is essentially about Sprezz which is another word for nonchalance. 101's contrived strivings are the antithesis of this whole concept as to be honest are the appearances of quite a lot of people popping up on these prep/wasp sites.....what do these folks think they look like?
The WASP "scene" does not advertise. Along with a
ReplyDeletesteady decline over the years, and generational
gaps, you are left with a modern day landscape
that reduces the term and has many young
people believing it's merely being "preppy"
nothing to do with your heritage, class,
upbringing, education, and so forth.
All an attempt to water down a term that
is a CLASS distinction if nothing else,
to make those who are not feel better
about themselves,since it has the history
of being the ruling class of America,
it is envied and sought after.
There is no doubt the American WASP
"style" is captivating to anyone
looking for a sense of style and
However, how do you cultivate a style
that if not born and bred into it
your chances of understanding it
are slim?
Simply it gets lowered to the least
common denominator in a society's
never ending cry for "EQUALITY'......
Makes You Sick.
"However, how do you cultivate a style
ReplyDeletethat if not born and bred into it"
Quite easily if you have intelligence, sensitivity and a modicum of commonsense. There are plenty of examples of outsiders breaking the code. The problem with the subject under discussion it that he is totally lacking in these qualities to the point of being humorous. He's self evidently silly which is why this blog is probably using a sledgehammer to crack a rather small nut.
You are quite right. However I was addressing how
ReplyDeletesociety collectively chooses to answer the problem.
Quite easily as you say if one has intelligence,sensitivity,
modicum of common sense. Unfortunately such
characteristics are akin to an archaelogical discovery
among today's America. Look who's president.
Ivy-Style was founded October 1, 2008 by Christian Chensvold, a New York-based writer
As someone pointed out in the most recent comments
ReplyDeletein the most recent post at 101, I truly believe and
suspect "Richard" is mentally ill. Too long to type out
all the hints throughout his blog that point to this,
it would not be suprising if even multiple
personality disorder is at work.
"Richard" has clearly, clearly, without any doubt
posted anonymously supporting comments to
his own posts as well as responding to his critics
under different names or anon.
Occasionally, a wild enraged all caps response
with the same message of "DON'T LIKE IT
or the lesser, "start your own blog if you feel
you could do better!!"
It is indeterminate how long it takes a
particular case to crack and finally lose it.
Most likely he is under medication at present.
His sanity depends on being accepted as he
wishes to be, and his blog helps him lie
to himself successfully.
Best guess,as he reaches middle age and
is still just "Richard" of "WASP101" if he
keeps the blog running that long at some
point the defense mechanism will no longer
support him and reality will be too much to bear.
At present in his early thirties he stiil has time
to believe his "dreams" can and will come true.
He chooses the path of deceit and PR bs nonsense
to accomplish them.
His end will be destruction,imploding from within.
haha good analysis. what's ur take on Russell Street? and who do u think is more pathetic?
ReplyDelete"ummm ok...uhh how's this? ..
ReplyDeleteNo, Richard no good....
Ah! Try holding your hands flat against your side
Richard, then there will be no pear shape!
....hey that does work!!!
bet they don't even notice!!"
Duh,Richard....duh...duh and more duh on top.
DUH101. Get off the internet Richard.
It appears Admiral Clod, Laguna Beach Turd is
ReplyDelete"mentoring"the idiot Dickie Bird behind the scenes,
for quite some time now as well.
The Admiral is a fake idiot too Richard, A more
"sophisticated"loser perhaps, but just the kind of
phony you'd fall for ,all ego based.
So he's the one who makes you feel approved
unto WASPdom?
No Richard, you're an ass once again.
You're like Felix Unger from the Odd Couple
but such a greater monstrous ass the audience
can't stand you and can't wait for you to get
off the stage. Get off the internet Richard.
ReplyDeleteThere is now a movement in Mass to
ban........the "R" word. Look it up.
You libs are so pathetic it's un-believable.
I truly HOPE some of you who I "argued"
with over this still pop in here now and then.
THE "R" WORD......oh no....
I told you idiots you want to control freedom
of speech. I showed you idiots who you
really are. You ARE leftist control freaks.
"THE "R" WORD......oh no....
ReplyDeleteI told you idiots you want to control freedom
of speech."
.....Oh yes right wing Christian evangelicals have always led the charge when it come to free speech......I wonder why our tv screens have that blur wheneve some woman shows her tits when anywhere else in the world outside of muslim fundamentalist countries they dispense with the blur...get real sonny
Yeah I'll get real pops. You of course, like the majority
ReplyDeleteof self righteous scum believe and credit humanity
with a level of maturity it does not have.
Anyone bright enough to recognize this
understands.Sure, the sight of woman's naked
breast should mean nothing and should produce
nothing of any kind of reaction to worry about.
THE POINT IS you just don't care.You -DON'T care
about dignity or class or presevation thereof.
You don't care about civility.
You HATE AUTHORITY.You want complete and
total non judgemental freedom for all, morality
being a subjective thing not a buffer against man's
sick and depraved nature.
The Muslim religion takes it too far.There is a
healthy balance. The only purpose in relaxing
standards in a society is for rebellion from
the likes of you. Authority and judgement
are evil principles so do ANYTHING to
protest against them, while acting you're
really standing for freedom of expression.
NO YOU'RE NOT. You are self righteous
scum through and through thinking you're
going to tell our creator what's right and
what's wrong ,you can live life just fine
without his constant overbearing
authority. FINE. God WON'T change
your mind. He doesn't want to. He
is perfectly at peace in your rejection
of him and your standards. However
you do disgust him ,so he has a
simple solution ,TO HELL WITH YOU
and your attitude. Unfortunately
this grand FU God has waiting for
you won't be revealed till you're dead.
So,whatever humanitarian idiot.
blah,blah,blah....christianity is evil
and oppressive ,blah,blah blah...
There's a hot time in the ol' town
24/7 and believe me you have your
reservation. Dinner will be served.
You won't be reading the menu,...
you'll be on it.
ReplyDeletehave you not noticed that the posts here are few and
far between? With no regular updates? How is there
an obsession here? No maintainence either.
Richard is a joke. He not only goes out
to "Hardees" wearing an ascot, he admits it, and
actually highlights this activity on his blog.
No feelings of being threatened or....jealousy..
You are a fool Richard and this gives many a good
laugh at you.
Why do you suppose.......NO other blog out there
among the ones that even correspond with you,
this kind of thing ......doesn't happen......
There's plenty, MUCH MORE qualified blogs to go
after, if jealousy or feelings of being threatened
were the motivation.
You're the court jester of the prep/wasp blog
community Richard. IT'S THAT SIMPLE.
I GUARANTEE YOU- this blog would not
exist if it were Richard 101, My Life 101,
My Style 101, My Blog 101, I'M Preppy 101,
ETC, etc,etc.....
WASP....101??.....The American WASP is not
a gimmick to be taught. It's not a movie role
anyone can play with the right clothes,AND
No more fancy sarcasm, let's just get right
down to it. Thanks now to a growing community
of wannabe prep/wasps, blogs it gives the illusion
you're "authentic".....
Now read carefully.......thanks to those within
the WASP community themselves, who lost
heart along the way ,turned their backs on
their heritage, felt "guilty".....IDIOTS....
yes there has been a watered down fallen
apart culture, difficult to find A TRUE PROUD
OUTSPOKEN WASP, lest we hear....
"racist,bigot,homphobe,sexist,blah, blah,
Plenty of WASPS out there with identity crisis
who are pa-thetic in being afraid and/or
confused whether or not the heritage is worth
being proud of.
knows enough of the majority's never ending
mouth. It is obvious few -FEW!! EVER-QUALIFY
FOR-TO THE MANNER BORN and stick with it.
Does not reality and the history of the WASP
Oh that's right ....you mean WASP -"STYLE"
can be taught and applied to anyone...
no it can't.
You want to show as evidence your acceptance
by other WANNABE WASPS, or WASP losers
as certification of yourself....forget it.
The real WASP crowd out there are as private
and exclusionary as they have always been.
Because eventually you just get fed up.
FED UP with the patchetic loss of heart
within the WASP world,FED UP with the
crybaby majority in the USA FINALLY
Private clubs, a social network so tight to
be impenetrable, private hidden estates,
world left there is, it is still a GRAND WORLD
for those still in it, and are perfectly happy
to remain so.
well if the WASP WORLD HAS shrunk....
it's because so did their hearts.
For the few that carry on...
If you truly want, wanted to be part of
their world Richard, all you have to do is be
yourself. You even claim you are a white
anglo saxon protestant,and yet.....
you want to ACT you insist on ACTING
instead of just being.
I've just checked, and Richard is still blogging, despite all this.
ReplyDeleteThere's a real strength of purpose there on show I think.
Mr. Chensvold continues to be obsessed with Richard, sniping away at him on his "Ivy-Style" blog, but Richard just carries on being Richard.
And Richard was blogging on WASP style long before Mr. Chensvold's attempts, we must also remember.
So that would seem to be where we are up to.
Richard remains Richard no matter what.
- Only an observation.
Russell Street
Amazing new post on Wasp 101 about how Richard was once in the same room as two girls. Life changing experience.
ReplyDeleteAmazing indeed.
ReplyDeleteNo matter how many times he is told about proper
mixing and matching......ignored.
CONTINUES and CONTINUES to show no shame
in demonstrating how he NEEDS you to see him
as a ladies man.
There is no way you receive the level of spot-on
criticisms and continue the way he has without
being mentally unstable. All that's said in
a proper psycho analysis of Richard has been
NOW - he's gone on to a complete undertone of
admitting he's just a wannabe and actually
feeling"comfortable" as such.
THE IDIOT NOW- post that stupid commercial
run for some type of Mexican Beer ,"dos" something,
which shows a fictional worldy gentleman,
who has been there and done that, the envy of
other men, the man women love........
Why not Richard, just come out and say-
Only rationale conclusion left, Richard has come
to recognize he is now in a world of wannabe
TRUE WASP/PREP bloggers stroking each others
ego's in a pathetic display of insecurity.
Richard? Even among them you are a wannabe.
They know. They just can't afford to criticize
you lest they invite it unto themselves.
A Salute out there to TrippyFrat who commented
recently on another wannabe blog, how
pathetic their circle of insecurity is.
TrippyFratt that is, with two t's.
ReplyDeleteHe comments at Alex Grant's blog,(a black gentleman
calling himself, Skip....) Fratt says,
"Could this make it any clearer that these trad/
preppy/wasp blogs are anything more than one
huge circle jerk of insecure people desperately
needing approval, "HEY DUDE DO I LOOK COOL?"
Mr Grant was looking for input as to whether
or not to put actual pennies in penny loafers....
Trippyfratt points out as well,
"Wonder if the guys in the Knickerbocker
lockerooms ask each other if their
jockstraps are "waspy" enough, the great
truth is, if you have to ask you aren't."
IF YOU HAVE TO ASK, richard, ......
you aren't.
Whats wrong with insulting handicaped people? They are retards.
ReplyDeleteWell , Richard has finally earned his masters
ReplyDeletedegree,not in WASPdom, but in JACKASSdom.
You're going to love this one.
The latest Worthy Warthole post,
"backdoor" ,whatever......
I did that to MOCK the numerous times Richard
himself has posted such repsonses
anonymously in previous threads.
Meaning it to be seen and its intent
understood by Richard, alone.
So the idiot goes and incriminates himself
and post my mocking comments anyway
obviously loving the remarks and can
say to himself "this time it wasn't me!"
........TO WW........
1- Picking Up Girls is NOT A CHALLENGE
2-ANYBODY ,ANYONE, can get laid.
3-There is nothing to envy about you
SO WHAT about you and your exploits
real or imagined.
4- Stop thinking to yourself,you're Mister
Cool who has people reading your crap
and admiring you for it.
And take WARTHOLE with you.
Believe it or not Little Dickie at wasp101 actually has some serious company in the homo-erotic blog realm with an equally gay/delusional blog. Check it out (at your own risk): http://www.admiralcod.blogspot.com/
ReplyDeletePlease update this site. WASP 101 is a travesty. It's ALL wrong. That Richard idiot is a closet-case, lowbrow moron and this site should stay up and working against him!
ReplyDeleteRead parts of the burning contest above. Pathetic really, that Americans actually believe WASPs to be high class. Your whole country is just different degrees of aspiration. There is however no "real deal" aristocracy existing in the US of A.
ReplyDeleteAs was predicted, "Richard" is losing it.
It seems the catalyst being a certain tale of a private
plane flight to D.C. for the sole purpose of eating at a
RL "Rugby" cafe. The scandal of WASP101 sealing its
fate once and for all. Retreating now into utter, complete
madness, "Richard" has closed off the fantasy to an invite
only status, which if he had been honest with himself
from the beginning ,that's the way it should have been
for his own sake. Expecting honest fulfillment of his
demented dream in the open was pure nuts .
For those wondering ,the "Flight to Rugby" scandal is
"Richard" was purely dumb enough to think he could sell
one and all a story of him taking a private plane to
a Rugby cafe in Washington DC. After being thoroughly
discredited, he then comments anonymously on his own
blog in response, schizophrenic as ever, that so what
if 'Richard" is lying. Saying to one and all you are the
ones who have the problem. We should"build a bridge"
and get over it"......some ass from another blog
gives it a LOL as if "Richard" really got us with
that one! Ms Kathy Truitt or whatever...
May I joyfully, and yet sorrowfully direct all to
a new blog lifewithoutrichard.blogspot.com
WASP101SUCKS you are now a proud shrine.
Your mission accomplished. May you stand forever
as a monument to the eradication of "Richard the Ass".
As we now reflect at lifewithoutrichard PLEASE -
share your stories and comments. When did "Richard"
first make you sick? What comments did he delete
of yours or refuse to post? When did you first
realize all is not well with "Richard"? What
comment of yours DID "Richard" post
incriminating himself, in spite of himself?
I understand a wake is planned for
The Rugby Cafe in D.C. Please contact
lifewithoutrichard.blogspot.com for details.
Ascots MUST be worn, and will then be ceremoniously
removed and urinated upon and disposed of as a final
and appropriate salute to "Richard" and WASP101.
Bon Voyage Richard. May your sailing into the seas
of madness be all that you hoped for.
HE'S BACK!......No. The madness just continues.
ReplyDeleteJust keep digging the grave Richard.Keep
digging. You have more people supporting
your blog for the "entertainment" value of
watching you bury yourself. How deep a grave
you wish to entomb yourself in is up to you.
Oh my what a pathetic blog is this wasp101sucks thing. The utter endeavor to start an entire blog aimed at the single purpose of bringing one man down, as well as the smug arrogance regarding your presumed knowledge of the 'true WASP' thing, comes off as a blunt disgrace, in which you sadly brought mr. Chensvold along.
ReplyDeleteI find it hard to empathize with your great efforts to shed bad light on wasp101. FYI, the first definition of WASP by sociologist Hacker in '57 goes "they are wealthy, they are Anglo-Saxon in origin, and they are Protestants." Judging from this definition, I don't see why Richard cannot be WASP. What then, could cause your ranting? Not his style of clothing, as you have pointed out neatly that this has an element of subjectivity and can consequently not be harshly criticized. Nor could it be his unabashed exhibitioning of himself, as you have implicated that you possess sufficient civilization in order to not bash fellow human beings for something small like this.
No, the only satisfying interpretation that remains is that you guys are a bunch of porky nudniks incited by envy over Richard's superior financial situation. You; get a life. Christian, please withdraw from this misery.