Monday, March 9, 2009


Richard's original post from Janaury 2008 should have let us know the caliber of this fool.

He makes the claim that ANYONE can be a WASP and ANYONE can live the lifestyle. Well, Richard, after a year of blogging, you have failed in your claim. What's next?

Do us all a favor and shut it down.

Oh, and "alright" is no more a word than you are a WASP.

Class dismissed.


  1. The introductory statement made by Richard was meant
    by Richard, to say, "ANYBODY, ANYONE. I know I'm a
    fool, so I wiil take this opportunity to make my own
    declaration to you all, state it in such a way as if this
    premise I suggest can be found and substantiated,
    thus disqualfying me from any personal "attacks"
    you may feel are justified to throw at me."

    AGAIN, as has been stated, as if WASPDOM is a product
    one can purchase at any Ralph Lauren store.

    All personally connected to Richard and his ego.
    THIS HAS NOTHING- to do with Richard honestly
    trying to be "your personal guide "through out all
    one could ever wonder about "WASPS",
    this is all some kind personal goal Richard wishes to achieve
    for-HIMSELF..he is using the diguise of WASP101 in
    hopes of being perceived as just another observer,
    an "educated", "well-respected" ,"established" one at that,
    who at the same time shall somehow redefine public opinion
    about everything WASP so he , RICHARD , may try to sneak in
    some imaginary backdoor, and be anointed by the public,
    "SIR RICHARD , of all things WASP". ARISE SIR RICHARD!!

    Richard is NOT an accepted member of the WASP
    community at large.

    Richard WANTS to be an accepted member of the WASP
    community at large.

    He chooses an internet blog to achieve this......

    Richard, picture one of the more prestigous Country Clubs
    that host WASP memberships......NOW......picture yourself
    in a court jester's outfit, walking right into the main
    dining room at dinner time where all eyes can be upon you.

    and what do you do Richard ? WHY you start to do the hokey-
    pokey ALL BY YOURSELF, as if no one has heard of this "dance"
    before, needs instruction on it, and as if It has anything to do
    with seeking membership at the club in the first place.........

    AND YOU KEEP IT UP ,no matter how many WASPS have already
    told you to shut up, get off the dance floor, stop claiming you
    can speak for us in any way shape or form........

    You had your chance Richard, a small cup of humiliation
    is how it could have ended for you....
    Now you are going to be buried under a MOUNTAIN of
    humiliation unable to ever crawl your way out of....


  2. Richard, picture one of the more prestigous Country Clubs
    that host WASP memberships......NOW......picture yourself
    in a court jester's outfit, walking right into the main
    dining room at dinner time where all eyes can be upon you.

    and what do you do Richard ? WHY you start to do the hokey-
    pokey ALL BY YOURSELF, as if no one has heard of this "dance"
    before, needs instruction on it, and as if It has anything to do
    with seeking membership at the club in the first place.........

    I could see them pointing and laughing at him now. And then I can see Richard red in the face responding, "Screw you, Anonymous."

  3. Above Anon,

    Richard's comments would have to be more aggressive and boorish such as "Don't piss me off!" Richard, your threats over the internet scare me to my inner WASP core.
